Biomimetics and Dynamics Laboratory
Dr.Sunetra Sarkar,
Associate professor,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras,
Chennai 600036
Latest Projects
Uncertainty quantication of the fluid-structure interaction in heat exchanger tubes in a randomly fluctutaing flow, funded by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), India. Fluid structre interaction behaviour of complex bodies in a randomly fluctuating flluid flow and suitable uncertainty quantification tool development to propagate the randomness are in focus. The project is in collaboration with Prof. Sayan Gupta, Applied Mechanics Department, IIT Madras who is the chief investigator.
Fluid-structure interacions in a confined gemetry with dense gases, funded by Netherlands organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Delft, Netherlands. Behavior of heavy engineering structures in a compresible fluid environment is in focus. We have undertaken a computational study to assess the fluid structure interaction behavior of impeller models in the presence of dense gases. The work is in collaboration with TNO and the Aerospace Engineeing department, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands.
Combustion Instability with turbulent flows, funded by Office of Naval Research Global, Singapore. Thermoacoustic instabilties as an interaction of flow, combustion and acoustics are being studied for the posible damaging effects on the structures. We are working with Prof R. I. Sujith's team who are the main investigators.
Uncertainty quantification and thermo-acoustic instabilities, funded by Aeronautical Research & Development Board (AR &DB), India. An uncertainty quantification algorithm developed to study the subcritical bifurcation behavior of dynamical systems. It is difficult to use traditional spectral algorithms in the subcritical regime due to sharp discontinuities, hence the need for alternate techniques.
Numerical simulation of flapping wing aerodynamics, funded by Aeronautical Research & Development Board (AR &DB), India. Unsteady flow-field of flapping flight has been investigated through a computational investigation for various asymmetric kinematics of the wing. The wing has been also subjected to various unsteady gust models, including random gusts. Aerodynamic loads and other performance indicators like power consumption, efficiency have also been studied.
A Lagrangian approach to capture the unsteady aerodynamics of insect-like flapping flight, funded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), USA. A Lagrangian particle based algorithm has been developed and applied to model the unsteady and viscous flow field of flapping flight of insects and bio-mimetic Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). This is applied to investigate various kinematics of wings.
Studies of debris pattern and consequence analysis, funded by Integrated Test Range, Defense Research & Development Organization (DRDO), India. Estimation of aerodynamic loads has been done for irregularly shaped space debris fragments using CFD simulations.